Conference Publications

Dr. Way Way Moinet (nee Sim)

[C1] Al Haj, K.M.A. & Sim, W.W. (2016) Effect of time on the evolution of soil behavior: new advanced triaxial creep cell experiments. In: Geotechnics for Sustainable Infrastructure Development – GeotechHanoi 2016, Phung (ed)., 24-29 Nov 2016.

[C2] Martinez Calonge*, D., Gawecka, K.A., Zdravkovic, L., Sim, W.W. & Taborda, D.M.G. (2015) Development of a new temperature-controlled triaxial apparatus for saturated soils. In: Proc. XVI ECSMGE, Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure Development, Edinburgh 2015, 13-17 Sept. pp3219 – 3224.

[C3] Dimitriadi, M., Ureña, C., Fenton, C.H., Sim, W.W., Cheeseman, C., Azañon, J.M. (2015) Sustainable improvement of an expansive soil using recycled materials In: Proc. XVI ECSMGE, Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure Development, Edinburgh 2015, 13-17 Sept. 2015. pp3219 – 3224.

[C4] Martinez Calonge*, D., Sim, W.W. & Zdravkovic, L. (2015) On the development of a new temperature-controlled triaxial apparatus for saturated soils. In: Int. Symp. on Energy Geotech., SEG 2015, 2-5 June 2015. pp163 – 165

[C5] Sim*, W.W. (2015) Testing at temperature at Imperial. In: Int. Symp. on Energy Geotech., SEG 2015,
2-5 June 2015. pp91 – 93

[C6] Otsubo*, M., O’Sullivan, C. & Sim, W. W. (2014) “A methodology for accurate roughness measurements of soils using optical interferometry”. Proc. of TC105 ISSMGE Int. Symp. Geomechanics from micro to macro, Cambridge, UK 1 -3 Sept 2014. pp 1117 – 1122.

[C7] Taylor*, H. F., O’Sullivan, C. & Sim, W. W. (2014) “Challenges analysing micro-CT images of dam filter
materials”. Proc. of TC105 ISSMGE Int. Symp. Geomechanics from micro to macro, Cambridge, UK 1
-3 Sept 2014. pp 1147 – 1152.

[C8] Sim, W.W. & Towhata*, I (2011) “Model Tests on Bending of embedded pipeline crossing a Strike- Slip fault”, Proc. of 14th Asian Regional Conf. Soil Mech. & Geotech. Eng., 23-27 May 2011, paper no. 244.

[C9] Sim, W.W. & Towhata*, I (2010) “Effect of pipe-fault crossing angle on the bending and axial strains in
a pipe crossing a strike-slip fault”, Proc. 45th JNCGE, 18-21 Aug 2010, pp. 1415-1416.

[C10] Towhata*, I & Sim, W.W. (2010) “Model tests on embedded pipeline crossing a seismic fault”, 3rd Int. Earthquake Symp. Bangladesh 5-6 Mar 2010, Dhaka: pp.1-12.

[C11] Sim*, W.W. & Towhata, I. (2009) “1g shaking table tests exploring the possible benefits of using tire-chips as a backfill material for buried pipelines crossing underlying strike-slip faults.”, Proc. 44th Japan Nat. Conf. Geotech. Eng, 18-21 Aug 2009, pp.1301-1302.

[C12] Sim*, W.W. & Towhata, I. (2009) “Model tests examining the factors affecting the strains in buried pipes during simultaneous strike-slip faulting and shaking.”, Proc. of the 3rd Int. Geotech. Symp. (IGS2009) 22nd-25th Jul 2009, pp.692-699.

[C13] Sim*, W.W. & Towhata, I. (2009) “1G shaking table experiments on the effect of shaking and vertical shear displacement on buried instrumented pipes – Implications for design.”, (IS-Tokyo 2009), 15-18 June 2009, pp.1033-1040.

[C14] Sim*, W.W. & Towhata, I. (2008) “Shaking table tests on buried pipelines intersecting vertical faults”, Proc. 5th Geo-Kanto2008, 31Oct – 1 Nov 2008, pp.35-39.

[C15] Sim*, W.W. & Towhata, I. (2008) “Experiments Modelling Buried Pipes Crossing Underlying Vertical Faults –1G Shaking Table Tests”, Proc. 43rd JNCGE., Hiroshima, Japan. 9– 12 Jul 2008, pp.1677-1678.

[C16] Sim*, W.W. (2007) “1-G Experiments on Pipes Crossing Vertical Displacement Faults”, Proc.4th Geo-Kanto2007, Maebashi 31 Oct – 1 Nov 2007, pp.335-338.

* Presenting Author.

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